The purchase of old Coins and Currency is highly speculative and could involve a substantial risk. As in other markets, coin prices can be extremely volatile and will rise and
fall depending upon market conditions. Therefore, before purchasing USA Coins and or Currency, you should first have adequate cash reserves and other assets to absorb a
potentially significant loss. WITH That said, if you are serious about a Coin /Currency collection, Email me for the Terms & conditions I offer my clients.
Ask about the VIRTUAL Collection and the Physical Collection. -Knowing and trusting your source is the most important part of collecting or investing.
ANY investment has significant potential for loss!
HOLDING PERIOD: Historically, few coins and currency have appreciated dramatically in the short term. Therefore, purchasers should recognize that it may well be
necessary for them to hold coins for a 3 - 5 year period, or even a 5 - 10 year period, to have any chance of realizing a significant gain.
BUT then, why would one want to have a hobby, if only to sell?
A Hobby is forever, it sets you apart from everyone else.... it's your world as you want it to be!